


2018年春天, 正规赌博十大平台排行写信是为了通知您,十大网赌平台推荐已经对过去所有教职员工的性行为不端事件展开了独立调查,此前有令人不安的报道称,十大网赌平台推荐的一名前员工遭到了来自三名上世纪70年代校友的性虐待. 正规赌博十大平台排行向你们保证,正规赌博十大平台排行将以最大的同情和透明度进行调查, 正是本着这种精神,正规赌博十大平台排行今天写信来全面分享调查结果, 尽管他们很痛苦.  


首先也是最重要的, 正规赌博十大平台排行向遭受十大网赌平台推荐教职员工不当性行为的幸存者致以最深切的歉意. 作为一个机构, 正规赌博十大平台排行承认正规赌博十大平台排行的失败:十大网赌平台推荐没有尽力保护你,保证你在学校的安全. 正规赌博十大平台排行赞扬你勇敢地站出来,分享你过去遭受性虐待的经历,因为这样做, we believe that you are helping to make Branson a stronger and safer community for our students.

对于那些作为过去几年事件的证人挺身而出并与调查人员分享你所知道的事情的人, we thank you for your compassion and empathy for the survivors, and for your commitment to making this investigation as thorough as it was. 在你的帮助下, we are now able to acknowledge past transgressions by faculty or staff, which we hope will be of some solace to our affected alumni.

当这个消息传遍正规赌博十大平台排行的社区, we remind you of Branson's newly articulated but long held core values: courage, 善良, 荣誉与宗旨. Please act with 善良, and respect the dignity and privacy of the survivors. 鼓励校友之间进行真诚的对话,以反思过去,并以有意义的方式处理本报告, 并将帮助正规赌博十大平台排行的社区愈合.

正规赌博十大平台排行要求你注意这些事件是如何在社交媒体上讨论的,因为这样做可能只会加深幸存者的痛苦, 他们的家人和同学.


2018年5月, the Board of Trustees retained Nancy Kestenbaum and Clara Shin, 科文顿律师事务所的律师 & Burling LLP将对任何来自学生的报告进行彻底和独立的调查,调查十大网赌平台推荐公司教职员工的不当性行为. 董事会选择了. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. 因为他们在企业和学校环境中进行这种性质的独立调查方面的专业知识, and because Branson had no prior relationship with the Covington firm. Ms. Kestenbaum, a former federal prosecutor and nationally recognized criminal defense lawyer, led the investigations into sexual misconduct at Choate Rosemary Hall, 布里尔利学校, 以及哥伦比亚广播公司董事会. Ms. 申是科文顿律师事务所全球商业诉讼实践小组的联席主席,最近还帮助领导了一项针对优步企业文化的调查.

调查公告 于2018年6月12日,女士. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. Shin set up a confidential hotline and email address, 正规赌博十大平台排行鼓励任何了解十大网赌平台推荐历史上成人不当性行为信息的人联系科文顿团队. 科文顿的律师可以完全查阅十大网赌平台推荐的记录,以及十大网赌平台推荐的现任和前任员工,以支持他们的调查. 在过去的10个月里. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. 申氏采访了近100人, 包括校友,前任和现任教员, 教职员及受托人. The Covington team reviewed over 2,000 documents.

Ms. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. Shin presented their report to the Board of Trustees on Wednesday evening. Yesterday, we shared with the survivors who had made themselves known to Ms. 马佐拉说正规赌博十大平台排行会公布报告. 今天早些时候, 正规赌博十大平台排行向教职员工和在校生分享了正规赌博十大平台排行发布完整报告的意图, 正规赌博十大平台排行现在与大家分享完整的报告. The report contains sensitive and graphic material and is painful to read.



The Covington investigation found evidence of adult sexual misconduct over the past 40 years. 在一些情况下,当十大网赌平台推荐的教职员工或管理人员得知性行为不端或不当行为时, it is clear from the Covington Report that some matters should have been handled more swiftly, more thoroughly and with greater sensitivity to the students who were harmed.

Ms. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. 申氏根据性行为举报是否属实等因素,决定公开与学生发生性行为的3名前职员和1名志愿者, 证据的强度, 同时代文献的存在, and the number of reports made about any particular individual. 他们命名为:


  • Rusty Taylor, Director of Athletics and soccer coach, in the late 1970s
  • Les Carroll, Director of Athletics, soccer and basketball coach, in the mid-to-late 1980s
  • 里奇·马努吉安,志愿篮球经理兼助理教练,在20世纪80年代末和90年代初
  • Alistair Grant, college counselor, in the early 2010s


在适当情况下,. 凯斯滕鲍姆和琼斯女士. 申会长还列举了在十大网赌平台推荐任职期间了解到十大网赌平台推荐教育工作者和学生之间可能存在性行为的部分高层管理人员.

正如正规赌博十大平台排行在6月12日的信中所说, 听了正规赌博十大平台排行三位校友的意见, Branson made reports with respect to Rusty Taylor to local law enforcement. 此前,一名学生曾向执法部门举报里奇·马努吉安,十大网赌平台推荐也曾举报阿利斯泰尔·格兰特. 自从收到卡温顿报告以来, we have made additional reports to local law enforcement about each of the four named individuals.



We know that past transgressions can cause current pain and anguish. 照顾在十大网赌平台推荐求学期间遭受成人性虐待的校友对正规赌博十大平台排行来说非常重要. In July 2018, we created an independent therapy fund to provide support for survivors. We set this support system up through RAINN (Rape, Abuse & 乱伦国家网络), a nationally recognized leading provider of sexual 攻击 prevention and response services. RAINN set up a Branson-specific confidential line at 855-794-0545 提供即时的危机咨询,并提供一个支付资金的程序,以帮助支付幸存者当前的治疗需求. 希望从RAINN获得这些服务的其他校友可以拨打上述电话.


Branson is deeply committed to the well-being 以及学生的安全. 启动这项调查并重新审视十大网赌平台推荐过去的成人性虐待历史的原因之一,是为了建立和维护一个更安全的学校环境,并确保正规赌博十大平台排行的政策和程序采用最佳实践. We also follow all relevant laws with regard to any allegations of child 滥用, including informing Child Protective Services and local law enforcement as required by state law. We diligently check the fingerprints against the FBI criminal database using Live Scan, and references of each potential employee at Branson before they are hired, 包括教师, 员工和教练. 除了, our faculty and staff regularly participate in mandated reporter, 防止性骚扰和虐待培训. In fall 2019, we will begin conducting that training at the commencement of each school year.

作为调查的结果, Branson has examined its current practices to prevent sexual misconduct by athletic coaches, many of whom are not full-time employees of Branson. Currently, coaches undergo training through the MCAL, our sports league. 从2019年秋季开始, 所有的教练, 教练组和运动训练员, 全职或兼职, 是否需要填写强制性报告, 防止性骚扰和虐待培训 through Branson in addition to the MCAL training.

Other preventative policies and procedures currently in place are listed below:


  • Branson has launched a webpage for "Community Wellness & Resources" that provides procedures for reporting 滥用, resources for victims and our school's commitment to student safety and well-being: www.十大网赌平台推荐.org/about/communitywellness
  • In 2018, 十大网赌平台推荐的《教职员工行为准则, which expanded on existing policies on appropriate boundaries for employee-student interactions, 发给了所有家长和学生, and published on our website and in student and employee handbooks. These handbooks are updated and shared with all employees and families prior to each school year.
  • Consent curriculum in 10th grade human development course
  • Consent conversations offered during lunch and flex block each week, beginning in fall 2015
  • Beginning in 2018-19, elective course on consent available to 11th and 12th graders
  • In fall 2018, rollout of a revised Branson Protocol for Reporting Sexual Abuse
  • 在人类发展时期, 制定解决性骚扰问题的方案, 滥用, 攻击, 欺凌, 和歧视
  • 从2018年秋季开始, 所有参观校园的人都必须提供身份证明,并清除两个国家性侵犯者数据库.


正规赌博十大平台排行还从NAIS(全国私立学校协会)/TABS(寄宿学校协会)联合工作组获得指导,该工作组于2018年发布了一份报告,详细介绍了学校在预防和应对教育工作者性行为不端方面应遵循的最佳做法建议. 该报道张贴在这里.

正规赌博十大平台排行承认,站出来分享过去的性侵经历是非常困难的,可能仍有校友没有报告他们在十大网赌平台推荐经历过的成人性虐待. Because the Covington investigation is now closed, in the event that any past student of Branson wishes to make a report of adult sexual 滥用, the appropriate administrator to contact is Michelle Jones, 人力资源总监, 联系电话:415-455-7126或 michelle_jones@十大网赌平台推荐.org.

* * *


这次调查的目的有三个:检查和揭露十大网赌平台推荐公司历史上的任何性虐待事件, to provide support to survivors who experienced sexual 滥用 while at Branson, 并确保正规赌博十大平台排行有适当的政策和程序,以确保今后不会发生类似的事件.

尽管调查已经结束, we are more committed than ever to protecting the well being, 健康, 以及学生的安全. 十大网赌平台推荐从根本上辜负了那些被老师和教练虐待的学生, 再一次, 正规赌博十大平台排行向幸存者致以最深切的歉意, whose courage and strength is inspiring to all of us. We wish to thank everyone who participated in this difficult process. As challenging as this investigation has been to all members of our community, we truly believe that its outcome will make Branson a stronger, 更好的, 更安全的学校.



克里斯蒂娜K. Mazzola





P.O. Box 887 Ross, CA 94957⋅415-454-3612 www.十大网赌平台推荐.org

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